The User carries out online registration on (hereinafter referred to as “The Site”) for the purpose of being able to cast votes in favor of the listed banks and to post comments /reviews on the Site. By registering on the User expresses their full voluntary consent with all the terms of the present Agreement and undertakes to comply with them or, otherwise, to stop using The Site.

The User Is Entitled:

  • to search and post information on the Site, as well as to receive and transmit information via the Site;
  • to comment on the information posted on the website by other Site users.

The User Agrees To:

  • never and under no circumstances to post on the Site or to transmit by means of the Site to other users information which:
    • contributes to the incitement of hatred or enmity based on racial, ethnic, sexual, religious, social discrimination; affronts to to human dignity; contains threats or insults to other users or other individuals, organizations or social groups; infringes on the rights of minorities;
    • violates the rights of minors causing them harm in any form;
    • violates the rights of third parties on the fruit of intellectual activity and on the means of individualization, including copyright and related rights;
    • has been obtained by the User under a non-disclosure contract or constitutes a state secret;
    • contains personal data of third parties who did not give their permission to the User for such usage of their personal data;
    • is defamatory or obscene or contains foul language, or derivatives thereof;
    • pursues commercial objectives;
    • contains software viruses or any other computer code aimed at violating functionality of any computer or telecommunications equipment;
    • is not allowed to be published/distributed this way due to prohibition or limitation under the federal, state or local law, international law, or on other grounds.

The Editorial Board Is Entitled:

  • without any prior notice of a User to delete any User’s information published on the Site, or to restrict access to this information, should its distribution be contrary to the conditions of the present Agreement;
  • to refuse to register a user without explaining the reasons for refusal.

The Editorial Board is entitled to modify at its discretion the provisions of the present Agreement without prior notice of the User. Should the User continue using the services of the Site following the entry into force of these changes, thus the User confirms their agreement with them.

The User accepts the fact that the Editorial Board is not responsible for any content posted on the site by the User, or sent  by them to other users, or received by them from other users, and can not vouch for its legitimacy, credibility or faithful representation.

Once a user has posted information, the dissemination of which is restricted or prohibited by local or international law, the full responsibility for placement of such information is imposed on a user who has posted it.

This Agreement is effective until the date of its revocation by the User which must be done by sending a